The Chickens

Atilla the Hen

Atilla the Hen 2020,4-7 (5) reduced

Hatching Chicks

Hatching Chicks 2020,4-4 (1) reduced
Hatching Chicks 2020,4-4 (3) reduced
Hatching Chicks 2020,4-5 (3) reduced

Barred Rock Chickens


From their perch high above the barnyard, these hens are enjoying a sunny day.


henry-2015-09-08 reduced

We got our first rooster as a chick in May of 2015.  Henry is an Ameraucana, very tame and mild-mannered.


Pfersick Road Reduced Photos (12)


doris-2015-09-08 reduced

Doris, a hybrid of Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red, is the top bird and the adoptive mother of most of our chickens.